7 7 EDITORIAL GRI 2-1, 2-2, 2-6, 2-9 CHG-MERIDIAN AT A GLANCE TECHNOLOGY2USE SINCE 1979 EDITORIAL EDITORIAL 30 countries 41 offices The CHG-MERIDIAN Group is a leading global technology2use company. Using the skills of our workforce of more than 1,400 employees, we design, finance, and deliver customized tech- nology usage models for the IT, industrial, and healthcare sectors. Our 41 locations in 30 coun- tries manage the technology infrastructures of large corporations, SMEs, public bodies, and hospitals. CHG-MERIDIAN's business activi- ties can have a positive impact on economic performance and provide a macroeconomic boost through cash flows and the emphasis on ESG-linked funding. Our approach is to support our customers with their digital transformation and help them to run their business in an efficient and sustain- ability-oriented manner. Based on the principles of the circular economy, our service portfolio includes planning, financing, and operational implementation, as well as certified data erasure, refurbishment, and remarketing of used equipment at our two technology centers in Germany and Norway, and via our interna- tional network of partners. CHG-MERIDIAN also has subsidiaries and affiliated companies with different business models, for example devicenow and circulee, which were founded in 2022. The company devicenow offers a global rental model for IT equipment, while circulee offers refurbished IT hardware for small and medium-sized enter- prises. Our subsidiary abakus advises compa- nies on procurement in IT and other areas of technology. Across three technology segments, we offer customized business concepts tailored to our customers' requirements and applications. In the IT segment, we assist them with the comprehensive and efficient delivery of their technology projects. A solution that we offer is talentime, a program with tax benefits that is available in Germany. In the industry segment, we lease industrial infrastructure for fleet man- agement, production, machinery, warehouses, and logistics. And in the healthcare segment, we finance advanced healthcare technology and hospital IT. Our service portfolio also in- cludes the tesma technology and service man- agement system, the insurance service Asset Care®, our end-of-lease services, and certified data erasure with eraSURE®. Customers can also make a financial contribution to climate action through our carbonZER0® product. CHG-MERIDIAN AG is the parent company of the CHG-MERIDIAN Group and an unlist- ed stock corporation. The Group's Board of Management has four members, who regularly report to the Supervisory Board on business matters. The Board of Management members, all of whom are male, are CEO Dr. Mathias Wagner, CFO Ulrich Bergmann, CSO Daniel Welzer, and CPO Oliver Schorer. We have a Group-wide policy concerning con- flicts of interest, and we comply with the rules and laws applicable to us as a regulated finan- cial institution. No potential conflicts of interest were identified in the year under review. In 2023, we introduced a Group-wide policy concerning fit-and-proper assessments for the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management, and the holders of key positions and other roles. Additional guidance is provided by the code of conduct, the employee manual, the HR manual, and the disclosures and reporting policy. The policy is based on the 'Guidance Notice on management board members pursuant to KWG, ZAG and KAGB', the 'Guidance Notice on Mem- bers of Administrative and Supervisory Bodies pursuant to KWG and KAGB', the reliability checks defined in section 6 (2) no. 5 of the over 1,400 employees Money Laundering Act and the German Stock Corporation Act, the German Private Limited Companies Act, and other relevant norms (such as ISO and GRI standards) and legal provisions. The Supervisory Board is made up of four men and – since 2023 – two women (one woman up to 2022). The chairperson is male, the deputy chairperson is female. It comprises two majority shareholders (end of current term of appoint- ment: 2028), two independent external individ- uals (end of current term of appointment: 2027 and 2028 respectively), and two employees (end of current term of appointment: 2027). No member of the Supervisory Board holds a position on the supervisory board of other regulated companies. The Supervisory Board represents 100 percent of employees (2022: 100 percent, 2021: 100 percent). The exact ownership structure can be found in the 'Economy & finance' chapter (p. 11–14).