Turning complexity into opportunity

Five examples of best practice for global ICT buyers

One of the biggest challenges for global ICT buyers is the increase in complexity, both internally and externally. Mastering this complexity means unlocking potential added value. The following five best practices demonstrate how to make transformation a success.

According to research by Deloitte, the top priorities for Chief Procurement Officers (CPO) are to reduce costs and risks, to act sustainably, and to make the most of innovations. As the complexity grows, the challenge for global ICT buyers becomes more difficult: externally due to volatility and uncertainty in the market and the economy, and internally due to organizational and digital fragmentation. 

On top of that, there are the ever-shorter innovation cycles of digital technologies and the diversity of demand resulting from specific device requirements in certain workplaces and office locations. So what is the best way to manage this? 

1. Consolidate processes and data in a single system

Bringing together processes and data creates the basis for automation and analytics. Both of these make it possible to double the speed and the transparency of procurement processes (Gartner). Tools for managing technical, commercial, and other data along the ICT asset lifecycle are particularly useful in this context. For example, the TESMA® online tool, whose range of functions includes comprehensive asset management, import/export, and reporting functionality. It brings together technical and commercial data from a range of sources in a single location, making it easier to evaluate the data for inventories, future-cost analysis, and much more besides. 

2. Allow users to order their ICT devices themselves

CX technologies such as virtual supply rooms with e-catalogs are also beneficial. TESMA® can provide this as a self-service portal with a definable range of products. Every ICT user can select and order their preferred devices from a pre-defined portfolio, which enhances the employee experience and reduces the burden on procurement. As an additional benefit, the diversity of demand can be further reduced by limiting what employees can choose from. 

3. Boost sustainability and flexibility through WaaS

Workplace as a Service (WaaS) allows buyers to lease hardware on flexible terms, and to adjust quotas or exchange devices as required. This ensures that companies remain responsive and are able to make new technologies available more easily. In addition, WaaS models can be sustainable and cost-effective. But only if the provider remarkets lease returns and uses the anticipated proceeds to reduce the monthly lease installments. 

4. Enjoy the benefits of external procurement services

If you want to maximize potential in every regard, you should bring a procurement outsourcing partner with international experience on board – such as CHG-MERIDIAN. This can streamline processes and costs, add expertise, expand product and procurement options, and facilitate access to innovation (PBI). A procurement outsourcing partner can guarantee the best prices and the best quality, and offer advice on international trade and invoicing. Ideally, it can also provide operational support, such as timely and cost-effective order processing, the elimination of regional gaps in supply, and certified data erasure for decommissioned assets. 

5. Choose a non-captive, single-source partner

The ideal choice is an E2E partner that can offer the full package: tools and automation, expertise in adding value, high-level support, flexible pricing, and customized solutions that are both vendor-neutral and supplier-neutral. This ensures that ICT buyers enjoy full flexibility, and provides high transparency and streamlining – all in a single contract covering devices from any number of vendors, suppliers, and countries. It comes as no surprise that an integrated E2E partnership is often considered key to reducing complexity. 

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