Whitepaper & e-books

Our e-books & whitepapers offer you high-quality information on a wide range of topics from the fields of IT, industrial and healthcare technology. Benefit from the technical know-how of our experts and draw valuable impulses for your work.

IT Technology

Boost your success through innovation

How you can become an IT pioneer

Unlock your full potential by leasing technology and saving money and resources at the same time.
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How the Digital Workplace can contribute to an agile corporate culture

Companies are under pressure to better adapt to a world characterized by globalization, digitalization, and strong competition. Digitally enabled remote working has proven to be of strategic importance as it enables value-adding information sharing.
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Cover Whitepaper International Procurement en

International IT and Communications Procurement

International Procurement

A bewildering choice of technology, plus the need to keep up with the latest digital innovations, overcome geopolitical market barriers, and juggle commercial aspects such as verying currencies, tax rates, and financing rules. These are just some of the many factors that are making IT and communications procurement at multinational companies ever more complex.
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CIO as Entrepreneur

Efficient customized business concepts for agile business models

This whitepaper explains why common delivery models for IT infrastructure fail to provide the agility that companies require. It shows how greater transparency, flexibility and cost control become possible when IT assets and services are unbundled, while business interruption risk and accounting risk are eliminated. And it explains how the role of technology manager, which manages financial services and contracting independency of providers, is the way to achieve this objective.
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Innovative tools and software components are worth nothing if the IT infrastructure behind them is not up to scratch. This white paper uses current examples to show how IT infrastructure can be a limiting factor and provides tips on how you can build an agile, flexible, and future-proof infrastructure tailored to your own specific requirements.
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How to make collaboration tools work

How to make collaboration tools work
Collaboration tools can link people and share knowledge across time zones and physical locations, making work more efficient and productive. But the prospective users have to be on board.
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Cover Whitepaper Employee Acceptance en



This white paper highlights the strategies that companies can adopt to improve employee buy-in for the digital workplace and shows how they can get the most out of their digital workplace investments.
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User Experience

A digital workplace journey can boost your business

A good user experience is an important factor in creating value and achieving
success. It enables companies to keep employees happy, accelerate digital change
processes, and improve business outcomes. A digital workplace journey makes this
easier to achieve than you might think.
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Procurement 2.0

Self-Service makes it simple

Conventional IT procurement methods are complex, protracted, and take up a lot of resources. IT departments waste valuable time on installing new workplaces and maintaining the existing systems landscape – time that could be used to address important strategic matters. The complete digitalization of procurement processes and the involvement of users via a self-service portal frees up time and increases user satisfaction.
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Electronic shelf labels (ESLs) are a new but mature technology for the retail trade that offer significant benefits and great growth potential. Given the changing competitive structures in online and traditional bricks and mortar retail, and the transparency that today’s consumers enjoy, ESLs look set to become a permanent fixture.
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Cover Whitepaper Nachhaltige Nutzungsmodelle en

Sustainable IT-Usage Models

Compared with the traditional approach of purchasing equipment, IT usage models such as leasing and device-as-a-service (rental) offer clear benefits regarding an organization’s carbon footprint. Also because two out of three old devices end up unused in drawers. This is the finding of the Green IT study, which was commissioned by CHG-MERIDIAN and is presented in this white paper.
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Sustainable Finance

Laying the foundations for future business

The sustainable transformation of the economy is a global challenge: high time for companies, their CEOs and CFOs to change their perspective and use more and more sustainable financial instruments.
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Cover eBook Sustainability en

Using Resources efficiently

The future of IT Procurement

Digitalization is widely regarded as a driver of climate change. Climate-conscious companies are therefore adopting a new IT procurement concept.
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Sustainable Procurement

Integrate CSR principles into IT purchasing to gain a competitive edge

The intelligent procurement, use, and remarketing of IT equipment allows companies to cut costs and be more resource-efficient and sustainable. This is a competitive factor that is growing in importance. Read more in the Whitepaper.
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Sustainable IT infrastructures ensure long-term success

Circular Economy & Climate Protection

Using rather than owning: A whitepaper about Circular Economy and the benefits of leasing or rental models with sustainable reuse of IT assets – including our sustainable financing option carbonZER0.
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A new approach!

Making the right decision for a sustainable & financially secure future for hospitals

Hospitals are currently experiencing significant cost pressures. And the demands are increasing. Hospitals want to and have to invest. That is why it is so important to get the financing right to enable this change. Circular economy systems open doors to solutions that protect liquidity and are sustainable.
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Taking on a Pioneering Role

Driving Digitalization and preparing for the future

This white paper explains what a future-proof hospital might look like, which obstacles need to be overcome, which financing models can make it a reality, and how this might be achieved sustainably.
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Digital Transformation in the Healthcare sector

Around the world, the digital transformation is radically changing many areas of our daily lives, including healthcare. Yet Germany is still lagging behind when it comes to digitalization. Any hospital hoping to hold its own in the competition for patients and skilled personnel needs to invest in improving performance and preparing for the challenges of the future.
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Agility in German hospitals

How agility can be a factor in the success of digital transformation in German hospitals

In light of challenges such as the new Hospital Future Act, investment backlog and a lack of qualified staff, the ability to rapidly adapt has never been more important. Find out how agile processes, methods and financing models can be successfully implemented in hospitals.
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Public & Education

Digital Learning

Whitepaper Routes to digital learning

The digital revolution is changing the face of education. Writing materials and blackboards are being replaced by web-enabled devices and educational software. For Germany’s schools, this means significant investment and a lot of time spent on IT matters.
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