Lifecycle thinking

CHG-MERIDIAN publishes first sustainability report

The international Group has always based its business model on the resource-efficient circular economy, and is continuously expanding its commitment to sustainability. The 2020 sustainability report is the Group’s first and it transparently documents the measures taken and the goals set.

“Sustainability is an ongoing process, which is why we significantly strengthened our commitment in this area in 2020 to match our ambitions as a sustainable company and to meet the demands of the market,” says Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer at CHG-MERIDIAN.

Last year, CHG-MERIDIAN developed a sustainability governance structure for the entire Group and, based on this, defined a sustainability strategy with action plans and targets.

The Group’s first sustainability report documents these developments. It covers topics such as labor rights, human rights, business ethics, the environment, and sustainable procurement, while facts, figures, interviews, and articles offer deeper insights into our understanding of sustainable business and practices.

The report is aimed at our customers, partners, and all employees within the Group. It is based on the framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and also represents the first ‘Communication on Progress’ to the UN Global Compact, which CHG-MERIDIAN signed up to this year.

Matthias Steybe, Group Sustainability Officer at CHG-MERIDIAN

“Companies constantly have to earn their ›social license to operate‹ – as must we. In other words, they have to prove that their business practices are sustainable in the long term and at all levels, and that they are making a positive contribution to society and the environment."

From 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN will be carbon-neutral. Find out more on the sustainability page on our website.

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Sustainability Office